Instructor rules
As an instructor in the association you are legally responsible for the information you give to your students and their safety during the lessons.

Instructor status
To be given the title of Sifu in your school or club is an honour and privileged position. This status should not be given or accepted lightly
nor the responsibilities that come with it.
As an instructor of an approved Samuel Kwok School you are expected to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner at all times. Your
reputation will reflect on your Sifu, your school and of course Grandmaster Kwok so care must be taken to present yourself correctly
in front of students, your Kung Fu Brothers and Sisters and the general public.
There are several levels of Instructor in approved Samuel Kwok Schools
- Assistant Instructor
- Instructor
- Senior Instructor
- Master
In addition there are several levels of representation
- School Representative
- Area Representative
- Senior Representative
The last two of these levels require appointment by GM Kwok and the approval of the Samuel Kwok School Committee. Area and Senior
representatives are responsible for overseeing the development of approved schools and good communication between them with the help and guidance of the Committee.
Ultimately all decisions are made by Grandmaster Samuel Kwok and his decisions should be respected at all times. Please ensure you try to keep in regular contact with GM Kwok if you are not currently training with him.
Teaching Instructions
- You must be qualified to teach
- You must be covered by a liability insurance policy in order to teach.
- You must ensure students of your club follow the association student rules. You must also lead by example and ensure you follow all the student rules as well.
- You must do an appropiate warm up before class to ensure students are not injured.
- You must not intentionally injure your students.
- You must teach honestly, and never mislead your students.
- You must train your students in line with the teachings of Grandmaster Samuel Kwok.
- Your forms will be reviewed once a year by Grandmaster Samuel Kwok and the other association instructors. This can be at the instructor seminar or via videos.
Supporting the association
- When bringing your students to an event like seminars or training camps organized by Grandmaster Samuel Kwok or other instructors, you should not seek to profit from inflating prices that have already been set.
- You must encourage your students to take part in association trips seminars and training camps.
- You must offer to arrange a seminar for Grandmaster Samuel Kwok at your club at least once every two years (ideally more often). When arranging a seminar highlight the expected attendance level. Clubbing together with nearby schools can help. It will be up to Grandmaster Samuel Kwok and his schedule whether he decides to teach the seminar. This should be arranged well in advance of the seminar and before any money has been collected for the seminar.
personal development
- You must keep trying to develop your own skill and ability after becoming an instructor. This means attending at least one seminar or training camp with Grandmaster Samuel Kwok each year.
- You must seek permission from Grandmaster Samuel Kwok if you wish to train Wing Chun with, or arrange Wing Chun seminars with, anyone outside of the Samuel Kwok Wing Chun Martial Art Association.
Internet and social media
- In the event that someone outside the association attacks the association, Grandmaster Samuel Kwok, or any members of the association, on any social network. Students and instructors should not reply, engage or otherwise condone the activity. The SKWCMAA may wish to provide an official response and this should be the only way issues are responded to. We must remain a professional organisation at all times.
- If you run a website please ensure you provide a link back to the official Grandmaster Samuel Kwok Website: and to this website: If you copy articles or text off of the site for your own website please provide a link to the original article.
- If you wish to publish videos (on YouTube for example) using the association name or logo please seek permission from Grandmaster Samuel Kwok or someone from the association committee team.